Two-year Tibetan Language Course

Tibetan Language and Interpretation Training Program
Tenth Generation

Located in Dharamsala, India, the Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program (LRZTP) is an educational trust providing a specialized two-year Tibetan language course which equips students with a broad knowledge of colloquial and literary Tibetan and builds a solid foundation for Dharma terminology. The study program is divided into two phases. During the first year, students focus on acquiring the Tibetan language, particularly in its modern colloquial form, as well as on gaining ground in the literary Tibetan language and basics of written translation. The second year focuses on the preparation of  future interpreters and translators, and during this year we study a number of important Dharma texts in Tibetan, have interpretation workshops and translation practices. At the conclusion of the program, there may be a possibility of attending a specialized workshop whose aim is to provide participants with greater experience in interpretation and/or translation. This additional component is intended for those individuals who wish to pursue a career in Tibetan Buddhist interpretation. At the end of the program, the Lotsawa administration will assist FPMT affiliated graduates in finding a Dharma center where they can undergo their two-year apprenticeship. Non-LRZTP students can join for the second year of the LRZTP 10 program, provided there are vacancies and they pass the entrance exam.

In general, the course provides theoretical and practical training conducive to students to acquire high levels of competence in the Tibetan language and become specialized Dharma interpreters and translators. It covers four broad, interrelated areas of study: training in ancillary skills such as colloquial conversation skills; acquisition of a solid grounding in Buddhist philosophy; theoretical and practical training in interpreting techniques; and theoretical and practical training in translation. Although the program includes specialized Dharma and interpreting study, it is also open to anyone with a strong desire to learn the language but not necessarily aiming to become a Dharma translator/interpreter.

First year

The first year’s aim is to build a strong foundation of colloquial Tibetan. This is addressed in the four areas of language: speaking, writing, listening and reading.
In the morning classes, the emphasis is placed on theoretical and practicalm aspects of grammar where students explore and acquire a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures to enable them to establish and participate in meaningful conversations with native speakers. The main focus is on contemporary Tibetan. These classes will be conducted in English with gradual transition into Tibetan. They will be taught by a Western teacher and Tibetan native speaker together.

Once a week we will also study literary Tibetan to acquire most common structures of the written language and learn basic translation techniques. During those classes students will work on excerpts from literary texts, e.g. “The Wishfulfilling Tree: The Essence of the Thirty Verses on Grammar,” by Yangchen Drubpe Dorje, a sutra, a short story etc. Students will also learn how to write in both Tibetan scripts (Uchen and Ume), as well as how to spell and read fluently.
Twice a week there will be separate classes aimed at developing reading and listening skills as well as a drilling practice (meant to develop fluency in using grammatical structures). For two hours in the afternoon (four times a week) students will meet one-on-one with native Tibetan speakers to practice and hone skills in colloquial conversation and acquaint themselves with the Tibetan culture.

All the above mentioned classes of the first year are highly interactive. There will be elements of lectures but most of the time students are required to actively participate in the lessons.
Lessons of the program are divided into modules (one module is approximately eight to ten weeks long). Each module will end with examinations (written and oral) which students are required to take. Additionally, every week students will write quizzes (dictation, small translation tasks) to sum up the material studied in the preceding week.

Second year

The second year will provide theoretical foundation for Buddhist philosophy. Some of the most important Buddhist texts will be studied, such as the “Lam Rim,” “Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattva,” “Eight Verses for Mind Training,” “Selected Topics,” “Mind and Awareness,” “Philosophical Tenets” and tantra. These texts will be taught in Tibetan by Tibetan native speakers holding the degree of geshe. Students will also put into practice what they learned during the first year, through engaging in the interpretation of Dharma classes and translation of brief texts. During this year, students will still meet with native Tibetan speakers to maintain and improve their conversation skills and also to engage in philosophical discussions and debates. Exams and quizzes will be conducted similarly to year one.

Throughout the two years, visiting teachers may offer special classes in the form of Dharma talks, Q&A sessions and interactive workshops.

*Please note that LRZTP 10 is a full-time intensive study program. Once admitted students are obliged to participate in all the classes and take all examinations. It is not allowed to take part only in selected classes as the program is coherent and designed as a comprehensive whole. Failure to do so will result in not receiving a graduation certificate and the school’s recommendation for apprenticeship in a Dharma center. In extreme cases it may lead to expulsion of a student from the program.

17 October 2025 — 8 October 2027

Special Interpretation Training Workshop:
This special program will open depending on need and availability. Specific dates to be confirmed

LRZTP 10 Two-year Program – $11,950 (registration fees are included)

The program fees are calculated in USD. If you have any questions about payment please contact us at:
Program fees are inclusive of administrative costs, learning materials, lunch and tea/coffee. They do not include housing, visa costs or LTWA fees.
The registration fee is non-refundable even if the student is no longer willing or able to join. An exception will be made if the program itself is cancelled.

Registration for LRZTP 10 is only considered successful after completing the following steps:
1. Complete the registration form (not leaving any section blank)
click here for the registration form >
2. Send one passport size photo, passport photocopy and two recommendation letters from Dharma centers or people related to Buddhist or Tibetan studies to
3. Sign the LRZTP student agreement.
4. Pay the 550 USD deposit. This deposit is non-refundable should the applicant decide to cancel.
There are only 20 places in LRZTP 10. A waiting list will be created if there are more than 20 applicants.

Application deadline: 30 June 2025. 

1. (Non-Indian students) Have a valid student visa allowing to study in the Dharamsala area. Please note that LRZTP does not offer student visas. Please contact if you have visa related questions.
2. Have a computer or tablet that will allow them to read and write in Tibetan. Being familiar with the use of Google Drive and spaced repetition software is suggested.
3. Commit to the FPMT ethical agreement between the school and the students.
4. Fill in the medical form and include two up-to-date next of kin in case of life threatening emergencies.
5. Have a proficiency in English which allows you to follow and participate in classes, perform tasks, write essays and successfully engage in study-related research in English. (Although students are not required to take any text of English as a foreign language, a score of 94 in the TOEFL or of 7* in IELTS is expected from our students.) LRZTP will not provide special languange assistance to students that do not meet this requirement.

First year teachers: Geshe Tenzin Wangdak and Filip Majkowski with Geshe Lhundup Kalsang, Kalsang Choedon, Dekyi Dolkar, etc. 
Second year teachers: Geshe Phuntsok Lekmon, Geshe Lhundup Kalsang, Geshema Kelsang Wangmo, Filip Majkowski and special guest teachers.

Afternoons students will have an individual two-hour tutoring/conversation class with a trained Tibetan native speaker. Students are encouraged to further deepen and practice what they have learned during the grammar or Dharma class, and to explore other topics they might be interested in by using the learning materials provided by the school or those created by the students themselves.

At the beginning of each week there will be short written quizzes that will help them to assess their dominion of the topic covered the previous week.
At the conclusion of each module of the first year students will be tested on their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills within the context of the topics studied during that specific module. The objective of this assessment is to allow the students to realistically gauge their language abilities. In order to pass to the next module, students must display that they have attained the learning objectives for each module to an accomplished level.
During the second year, students will be examined on their knowledge of Dharma terminology and concepts, as well as their translation skills. At the end of each of the last two modules, students will also proceed to interpretation examination.
Students are required to successfully undertake final exams in order to be accepted for an apprenticeship in a Dharma center after concluding the program.

LRZTP 10 students will only be accepted if they are on a valid student visa which permits them to study in Dharamsala for the length of the course, or if they are local students. As for now, LRZTP cannot accept student visa applications. In the past, the students of LRZTP actively participated in one morning class at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA). The LTWA is a recognized educational institute for student visa application.
You are welcome to contact LRZTP for information about the application of your student visa at

Students have the option of committing to the two-year program alone, or the two-year program along with the special interpretation training workshop. Students are eligible to join the special program after meeting the following requirements:
• Completing the registration process
• Passing the entrance exam or achieved a minimum of 70% in the final LRZTP 10 exam
• Having the recommendation of the LRZTP director
For students who did not enroll in the two-year program, joining the special interpretation training workshop program will be subject to available seats and meeting the following requirements:
• Completing the registration process
• Pass the entrance exam
• Providing a recommendation letter
Students who graduate from both the two-year program and the special interpretation training workshop will become ‘trainee interpreters’ and be eligible to continue their education as interpretation apprentices in a FPMT Dharma Center. LRZTP can assist students to find a center to work at the end of their training. (Note: availability of FPMT Center apprenticeships varies from year to year.)
All students are required to abide by the ethical policy of FPMT and keep the five lay precepts. Individuals who engage in the practice of Shugden are not permitted to attend LRZTP.

Tentative Dates

25 October – 26 November 2027 (four weeks, additional fee: 700 USD)

LRZTP 10 Tibetan Language and Interpreter Training teachers

“The Dalai Lama always says, ‘If you want to study Buddhism in depth, the best language tool is Tibetan, so learning Tibetan becomes very important.’ After realizing this, I decided to come to India to learn Tibetan. With the great help of the Lotsawa school, I can study Buddhism in Tibetan. Now I still study with Lotsawa language tutors after graduating from the program. I hope that in the future I can use my Tibetan skills to teach or translate for those who need it.”
I Ching Chen

At LRZTP, besides studying the Tibetan language on an intellectual level, we have the aspiration to implement the advice of His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama in regards to educating the heart:

“My wish is that, one day, formal education will pay attention to the education of the heart, teaching love, compassion, justice, forgiveness, mindfulness, tolerance and peace. This education is necessary, from kindergarten to secondary schools and universities. I mean social, emotional and ethical learning. We need a worldwide initiative for educating heart and mind in this modern age.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso

The Tibetan language is an integral part of a culture that has at its core the practices of compassion and wisdom. We encourage the students to engage in the study with an altruistic motivation. This will help us to be supportive of each other during class time, to find understanding and tolerance for our differences, and to practice gratitude for all the learning opportunities we receive.

Have any questions? Please contact us.
You are  welcome to visit our Frequently asked questions page 

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