Private Tibetan Language Classes


It is possible for individual students to participate in private Tibetan language classes at all levels at any time when the school is open. These classes are residential: they are organized at LRZTP school in Dharamsala. These are one-on-one classes with Tibetan native speaker teachers. Students may bring their own materials for the study or  request the school’s director to choose materials for them according to their level. 
The options for the private classes may vary depending on the student’s needs. For beginning students as well as those who have a more advanced level but still need to study grammar and conversation, it is recommended that they have 4 hours of classes a day: 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. In such a case, 2 of these hours will be with a single teacher assigned for the duration of the whole course, and 2 with conversation partners who will change every day. This way students will be able to learn grammar and vocabulary in a stable environment provided by one teacher but at the same time will have the opportunity to hone their speaking and listening skills with a variety of teachers.
LRZTP is also able to cater to specific needs of students, for example: study of particular Buddhist (or other) texts, learning vocabulary of specific fields of knowledge, learning and practicing Buddhist chants, etc. Since these are private individual classes, each of the students will have to discuss them individually with the director upon which the director will be able to provide the right teachers.
The price for one hour of onsite private class is 8.5 USD. However, this price applies only if a student decided to have less than 4 hours a day and not every day. If the student takes on the full-time program which is 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday, the weekly fee is 175 USD, and the fee for an 8-week intensive program of study is 1,200 USD. This price includes study materials provided in pdf form and conversation sheets, as well as use of a variety of Tibetan language study materials and textbooks on loan from the school library. The price also includes lunch and tea/coffee served at the school. Additionally, students can always have free consultations with other LRZTP teachers and the director. The fee should be paid in advance as explained by the director. In case the student for some important reason must miss class, they should always inform the school in advance. The missed classes can be made up for at a different time at no extra cost, as they have already been paid for. However, if the school is not informed in advance (preferably at least the day before), the class is lost and is not subject to any refund.
In order to register for private lessons on an hourly basis or a personal intensive program of study, please fill in and submit the registration form below. 

For inquiries, please contact individually at:

Registration for Private Lessons and Personal Programs

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