Online Tibetan Language Courses and Private Lessons

These classes are conducted via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet with Tibetan native speaker teachers of LRZTP. As they are online and individual, they can be conducted from any place in the world and the hours of classes have to be discussed individually with the school director.
Most of the time one teacher will be assigned for a student to conduct these classes. Students can choose their own materials or follow school’s/teacher’s recommendations. If the student follows textbooks recommended by the school, they will be sent to the student as pdfs. If the student has their own materials, they need to provide them to the teacher in case the school does not have them. We can provide teachers for foundational colloquial language lessons, as well as teachers who can teach Dharma texts and traditional literary grammar using full Tibetan involvement. 

The fee per hour for the online individual class is 9 USD, paid in advance according to the instructions given by the school’s director. If the student is not able to participate in a class, this should be made to the director or teacher in advance (preferably at least the day before). In such situation the class can be made up for at a different time, as it has already been paid for. However, if the student does not inform the school in time about the cancelation, the lesson is lost and no refund applies. 

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