Teresa Bianca

Teresa Bianca

Gen Teresa Bianca was born in Italy in 1960. After graduating from high school in Venice, Italy she worked in the tourism field for few years. Gen Teresa travelled to India for the first time in January 1986. On that first trip, without realizing it, she planned a buddhist pilgrimage on the base of a guide book and ended up in Bodhgaya a few weeks after His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama had conferred the Kalachakra initiation. There she met for the first time Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche who was giving teachings at the Burmese Bihar and the first Italian monks and nuns she had ever seen, who told her about the Buddhist centers in Italy, one of those being only 10 miles away from her home.

She lived in the US between 2000 and mid 2004, and has been living in Dharamasala since then. Genla has interpreted for many lamas in Dharamsala between 1996 and 1999, particularly for Ven. Ribur Rinpoche. Genla was Assistant Director during the LRZTP2 and has taught the second year Tibetan language course in Thosamling Nunnery for two years whilst also interpreting for visiting lamas there.

Genla taught two classes a week during the second year of LZRTP5 between 2009-2010. and in LRZTP6 2013-2014

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