Geshe Tenzin Wangdak

Geshe-Tenzin Wandrak

Geshe Tenzin Wandak was born in 1972, in a small village called Mangra, in Central Tibet. After junior high school, he decided to go to India to study Buddhism. In 1986, he became ordained and joined the Drepung Loseling Monastery. At the Drepung Loseling Monastery, he studied The Five Great Texts of Buddhist philosophy (Perfection of Wisdom, Middle Way, Valid Cognition, Monastic Discipline and Treasury of Knowledge). He was also an assistant to the chant master and he taught other monks to chant prayers as well. After twenty years of studies both at the Drepung Loseling Monastery and the Gelugpa University, he obtained his Geshe “Tsok ram” and “Karam” degrees in 2008. After graduation, Geshe Tenzin Wandak left for Dharamsala and joined a three-year program aimed for Geshes at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics (IBD) where he studied Chinese and English languages, Western philosophy, science, and world religions. In 2012 he participated in a three-month intensive Translation Program organized at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) in Dharamsala. Since 2012 Geshe-la has been giving Buddhist philosophy classes to Westerners both in English and Tibetan, and is always happy to teach Buddhism to people who are interested in it. He joined the Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program in 2013, first in the capacity of tutor coordinator, and soon afterwards started teaching Buddhism and Tibetan language. Geshe-la is the main teacher of the school and also works on textual translation, editing and various other projects.

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