Happy New Year from LRZTP

Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program wishes to send everyone greetings of the Happiest New Year 2025! May all of you be healthy and wealthy, in good spirits and may everyone’s accumulations of merit and wisdom keep going strong throughout 2025. May this New Year be peaceful and blessed for all beings, may all those who are suffering physically, emotionally and mentally find relief and liberation from pain and may this last. May all the wars and conflicts in all worlds come to a quick end and may peace be lasting and firm. May everyone who reads this be liberated from samsara and achieve the perfect and unsurpassable Buddhahood. May teachings flourish without harm and may all the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and all our precious teachers come true for the benefit of all suffering beings.

And to all our students and teachers in LRZTP, including past and future students, may your hard work be full of excitement and always bring you satisfaction. May all of you find happiness in your noble struggles to teach and learn. And remember that it is all for the benefit of the numberless beings who keep suffering and need consolation and hope.

And finally to everyone who wishes to study Tibetan and/or become an interpeter of Buddhist teachings, we wish in 2025 you come across our courses and enroll in any one of them. 🙂 Remember that in October 2025 LRZTP 10 program will begin.

Everyone have a Happy and Blessed New Year 2025!

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